China Fishery Group vil til Oslo Børs

Oslo Børs har mottatt søknad fra China Fishery Group Limited om notering på Oslo Børs.

China Fishery Group Limited har nå søkt om notering på Oslo Børs, fremgår det av en børsmelding i dag. Største aksjonær i China Fishery Group Limited er selskapet Super Investment Limited.

Les børsmeldingen fra selskapet her:


The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Company wishes to announce that the Company has applied for a secondary listing of all of its ordinary shares ("Shares") on Oslo Børs of Norway ("Oslo Børs") ("Proposed Secondary Listing") by way of submission of listing application documents to the Oslo Børs on 20 January 2010, Norway time.

The Company proposes to carry out an offering of new Shares in connection with the Proposed Secondary Listing ("Public Offering"). ABG Sundal Collier and SEB Enskilda have been appointed as joint lead managers for the Proposed Secondary Listing. The Public Offering will be marketed primarily towards retail and institutional investors in Norway and institutional investors internationally. The size of the Public Offering has not been decided yet. The Company intends to utilise the general share issue mandate that it will be seeking from the shareholders of the Company (the "Shareholders") at the upcoming Annual General Meeting to be held on 22 January 2010 to issue the new Shares to be offered under the Public Offering.

The Board believes that the Proposed Secondary Listing will benefit the Company in the following ways:

(a) a dual listing on 2 recognised stock exchanges will increase the visibility of the Company and raise the Company's profile in Norway and Europe;

(b) the Public Offering will position the Company for further profitable growth;

(c) Oslo Børs is recognised as a leading trading place for the fishing and seafood industries. A listing on the Oslo Børs will enable the Company to tap into a pool of potential investors who have interest in and in depth knowledge of the fishing and seafood industries; and

(d) the Proposed Secondary Listing will increase existing shareholder value with the increase in shareholder base which is expected to provide additional trading and therefore, improve liquidity in the trading of the Shares.

The Board wishes to highlight to the Shareholders that there is no assurance that approval of the Oslo Børs and/or relevant authorities for the Proposed Secondary Listing and the listing of, and permission to deal in the Shares on the Oslo Børs will be granted.

The Company will in due course submit an additional listing application to the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited for the listing and quotation of the new Shares to be offered under the Public Offering.

Further announcement(s) in relation to the Proposed Secondary Listing will be made as and when appropriate.

Shareholders and other investors are reminded to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares. In the event that Shareholders and other investors are in doubt when dealing in the Shares, they should consult their stockbrokers, bank managers, solicitors, accountants or other professional advisers.

This notice is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities described herein, and is not for distribution to United States news services or for dissemination in the United States or elsewhere where such dissemination is not appropriate or lawful.

By Order of the Board

Yvonne Choo
Company Secretary
21 January 2010

Mer om China Fishery Group Limited

"As a leading global industrial fishing company, the China Fishery Group is committed to securing access to under-utilised and abundant ocean resources to meet the growing needs of health and value-concious consumers worldwide. We will continue to offer a responsibly-derived range of quality staple food products via our fishing, on-board processing and fishmeal production operations."

Established in 2001 and listed on the Singapore Exchange Mainboard in 2006, China Fishery Group Limited ("China Fishery" or the "Group") has rapidly developed into one of the world's leading fishing companies specialising in a variety of ocean-caught fish. Via quota allocations and fishing licences, we have access to some of the most important and sustainable fishing grounds around the world. Employing state-of-the-art technology on board our vessels, we responsibly harvest, onboard process, and deliver quality fish products to processors and distributors worldwide.

In 2006, China Fishery selectively diversified its product range to include fishmeal, a vital source of nutrition for farmed fishes and livestock. This was achieved by establishing a significant foothold in Peru, the world's largest fishmeal processing country. Over the years, the Group has expanded its harvesting and fishmeal processing capacity by a series of strategic acquisitions. With purse-seine fishing vessels and processing plants deployed strategically along the Peruvian coastal areas, the Group is well-positioned to harness the vast potential in fishmeal, especially in China, the world's largest fishmeal market.

Guided by a clear mission and led by a passionate and experienced management team, the Group will continue to secure access to fishing grounds that are under-utilised and abundant to meet the growing needs of the health and value-conscious consumers worldwide.

Kilde: China Fishery Group Limited