Norge har en tilfredsstillende offentlig kontroll med fiskehelse, konkluderer EFTAs overvåkningsorgan ESA i en ny rapport.
Rapporten ble fremlagt mandag 4. oktober 2010. Les pressemelding fra EFTAs overvåkningsorgan og last ned rapporten her:
Fish health: Satisfactory situation concerning the official controls in Norway
Despite recent outbreaks of infectious salmon anaemia in Norway, the situation concerning certain fish diseases is under control.The official controls carried out by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority are satisfactory, according to areport published today by the Efta Surveillance Authority.
The Authority carried out a planned mission to Norway from 26 April to 7 May 2010 regarding the application of EEA legislation related to fish health.
The overall conlusion is that the official controls carried out by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority were, from a general point of view, satisfactory. The epidemiological situation concerning fish diseases listed in Directive 2006/88/EC is in principle under control despite the recent outbreaks of infectious salmon anaemia. Relevant activities were mainly in conformity with the EEA requirements. However, the targeted surveillance for infectious haematopoietic necrosis had been discontinued, which is not in line with the relevant EEA legislation.
The official and the private laboratories dealing with fish health diagnosis were well organised with only minor discrepancies observed.
Some inconsistencies were observed in the authorisation of processing establishments slaughtering aquaculture animals for disease control purposes. Some information was missing in the registers of authorised aquaculture production businesses and processing establishments. In Norway, unlike in the EU Member States, fish health biologists (and not only registered veterinarians) are allowed to prescribe medicated feedingstuffs to aquaculture animals.
Based on shortcomings identified in one establishment, the mission team cannot exclude that fishery products which were not in conformity with the EEA requirements were being placed on the European market. These shortcomings were related to the approval process of the establishment and to controls on water used in the production line.
Last ned rapporten her:
• Mission to NORWAY from 26 April to 7 May 2010 regarding the application of EEA legislation related to fish health
Les også: Program for ESA-inspeksjoner 2010