– Astaxanthin viktig for folks helse

Daglig tilskudd av astaxanthin, pigmentet som gir laksen rosa farge, kan beskytte DNA fra skader og øke immunresponsen hos friske unge kvinner, viser ny studie.

Det melder nettstedet NutraIngredients.com, som skriver at:

«The trial is reported to be the first comprehensive human study to investigate if astaxanthin may regulate immune response, oxidative damage and inflammation, state researchers from Washington State University, Inha University in Korea, and La Haye Labs, Inc.

“Our present study suggests astaxanthin to be a bioactive natural carotenoid that may be important to human health,” they wrote in the open-access journal Nutrition & Metabolism.

Its main health benefits are eye and skin health although it has also been linked to joint health and central nervous system health and is said to have an antioxidant payload 500 times that of vitamin E.»

Astaxanthin i krillmel

Fisk.no har tidligere omtalt krillmel fra Aker Biomarine, som ifølge Aker Biomarine har et naturlig innhold av fargepigmentet astaxanthin.

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